It's been a long day. Things are stewing in the back and front of my mind, gently coming together but not quite complete yet. I'm hoping to spend some time with where I am in my inner world so that I can share more fully, open my heart up more completely. That is one of the big things I noticed yesterday when I wrote,
Day 7: I took a walk down social media memory lane, that I do not share as completely and fully as I did just a year ago. My heart has been closed off for what feels like a very long time, too long. It's not something I do consciously but I am becoming more aware of it. Whenever things are going on, I've been hurt, I'm overwhelmed, I'm carrying too much of the energy of pain for others, I go in to fight or flight mode and I seal my heart off. It's an energy pattern I have been noticing more and am working very hard to change. That is part of what has been simmering within me.
But until then I'd like to share a bit of gratitude.
I am grateful that I woke up to see, feel, hear, experience another day.
I am grateful for my sweet puppy who I know is here to help me open up my heart space.
I am grateful that my new oracle cards came, "Oracle of the Shapeshifters:Mystic Familiars for Times of Transformation and Change." They are already giving me messages and insight and they are so beautiful.
I am grateful that, "Brave Intuitive Painting-Let Go, Be Bold, Unfold!," by Flora Bowley came. I am super excited to get into that book.
I am grateful for my creativity, my creative supplies, inspiration and all that other artists share.
I am grateful for the courage and bravery that so many people share by putting themselves out there, being vulnerable, being authentic, sharing where they are at. I am deeply inspired by so many of them.
I am grateful for the Soul that I am.

I am grateful for the place in my healing journey that I am in. I can feel things coming, healing, transforming and I know that it is a really beautiful place to be, even when it doesn't quite feel like it.
I am grateful for the beauty in nature.
I am grateful for so many things, almost too many to list. This was just a short sample.
Oh, yes, I am also grateful to participate in this Blog Along and to have the opportunity to dig deep within myself and share.
May you be blessed with love and light,
Thank you for stopping by MoonSong. By the way, I love your blog :)